
Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Video Flip Through of Roz Stendahl's 2015 Fake Journal

Above is the video flip through of my 2015 Fake Journal, made for this year's celebration.
It has taken some time for me to put the flip through together because I was dealing with a series of respiratory infections. If the embedded video doesn't play please see it on YouTube.

In this video I talk about how my fake journal this year became something quite unexpected. (They usually do, but this one was "unexpected squared.")

I talk about how I came up with the image and tagline I used for this year's celebration and how the desire to get back to painting, after a shoulder injury, led to a focus on painting.

My fake journal this year was actually completed between February 17 and March 18. I was working on another group project and the fake journal took it over in the most serendipitous way.

I find that every year when I do a fake journal something like this happens. It's what keeps me "faking" it every April.

This year, it was not only serendipitous, but fortunate, that two projects merged in February and March to become this year's fake journal. April was a series of family health crises which needed as much attention as we could give them. Sometimes I find that I do my best work when the only time I can work is in the middle of a crisis, this was true in 2009, and again in 2013. But this year my own physical health was so depleted, that April was instead a reminder of limits, and a reminder to set limits to protect oneself.

The video also contains my thoughts about prompt-based projects.

I hope you'll take some time to sit and watch the video. I worked in a 6 x 6 inch journal containing gray Stonehenge paper. (This journal is not available commercially at this time.)

I set up a format of a smaller rectangle on the center of the right hand page. At the top and bottom of the image I stamped the text. On the opposite page, after the image had been posted to Facebook I printed out the text I'd posted with each image and added that to the left page of the spread. It's in that text where the character comes out most clearly.

My wrap-up for 2015 IFJM is contained within this video. I will repeat emphatically that I will never do another fake journal with a character so CLOSE to my actual self.

See my regular blog, Roz Wound Up, on Monday, June 8, 2015, for a closer look at my internal critic, a topic that came up within this project.