
Friday, May 6, 2011

Twenty-Fifth Page Spread in Roz's 2011 Fake Journal

Click on the image to view an enlargement.
As many people have worked out, or read in the explanatory page, the keeper of this journal is Tyra D. Sheere who writes mysteries under the name of Hydra Seetre and children's books under the name of Esther Rayde. (You can friend both of them on Facebook, and follow their blogs too.) On this the twenty-fifth page spread in my 2011 fake journal she is sketching up some suggestions for an upcoming murder mystery cover on the verso page. On the recto page she is writing about the arrival of another of her children's books.

Verso Page (the callouts aren't reproduced here, they are simply directions for additions to "filling" out the atmosphere of the cover, such as "Chemistry stuff on table top—glossy black surface." The rough column of text starting below the thumbnail at the right reads as follows):

or an even greater close up with braid and rope somehow the focus.

The line art should be crisp and sharp—even a manga-esque line and shape to the figure.

I'll think about [it] for awhile and send something off as a suggestion to Pat.

I'm still wondering if we should mention on the cover that Grim has a walk-on only in this book.

Other than that: I'm relieved and glad it's all finally off and whatever they do is going to be just fine.

Recto Page:
10:45 p.m.
This proof arrived in today's mail. I love the way the new sketch ended up looking on the cover. I'm not sure I like the curly type on my name—it doesn't show up well on the spine but Carol said that on the actual size proof it's totally readable.

Now that this has wound down I'm excited to get back to the mysteries. But mostly I'm just looking forward to a couple weeks off with nothing to do but sketch and think up new ideas.

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