
Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 7 in Roz's 2012 Fake Journal

Above: April 7 in the 2012 fake Journal. Click on the image to view an enlargement. Read below for details.

I'm beginning to regret letting the cleaners go. It has been sufficient time now where I can see I'm not dusting enough. Everything could use a good mopping. The inconvenience of packing up my projects on cleaning day so they could work around things might actually have been less trouble. I need to set a schedule and then just do it—like exercise. But the new people in Judy's crew weren't as thorough so I really would rather do it myself. Start now.
[Image caption] April 7, 2012 6:15 p. window #4. Raining all day and then these fast-moving clouds…for awhile I had the perfect "mud on my palette but ran out—no time to get more paint. The grey of the cloud top left.

The journal is a 7 x 10 inch handmade journal containing Nideggen paper. The pen used is a Preppy fountain pen. The pencil used in the drawing is a Faber-Castell Albrecht Dürer Watersoluble Colored Pencil and the sky is rendered with gouache.


  1. I particularly like this one, Roz. The building almost looks like a doorway into the clouds.

    And the cleaners -- yikes! Looking forward to more details about this mysterious story.

  2. Thanks Miss T. This cloud was a lot of fun! Cleaners yikes is right, which reminds me…Roz
