
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Video Flip Through of Roz's 2013 Fake Journal

The video flip through of my 2013 fake journal has been crunched. It's up on YouTube here. If the embedded video doesn't work please go to YouTube.

UPDATE: May 22, 2013. I have posted a transcript of the written text of my 2013 fake journal on this blog. You can read what is written on each spread, as you watch the video (as the video does not allow for close ups of the tiny printing on some pages. See the transcript of my 2013 fake journal here.

In the coming weeks I'll have more to say about the pages—as well as some more "stages" photos, now that you can see the finished piece. I hope to have professional photos shot at the end of May and they may give you a better idea still, of some of the details.

I will also be creating a page on this blog where I'll write out what it says on each page so you can read what she wrote on the pages. (Most often what was written didn't have much to do with what she created visually.)

But for now you can get the gist of the whole book.

The work on the book began on March 18, 2013 with some Gelli Arts Plate Printing sessions. Actual journaling in the book began on March 31. I completed 3 page spreads a day (because neither I nor my character seem to be great at simple math). There was one day where I think I only did 2 page spreads.

You may or may not notice the following:

1. The final shot in the video is a truncated view of this year's button. I crunched the film two times, after adjusting this shot, and finally let it go. People will see the button if they come to this blog, and I couldn't work out why WISIWG (what I saw I wasn't getting).

2. I found some incredibly wonderful music from Kevin MacLeod on incompetech.com I'm not a musician (all those years of piano lessons don't add up) and I'm unaware of half the editing tools in iMovie so any butchering of his rhythms and melodies is all on me. The musical pieces I selected perfectly captured the character's constant theme and mood in her life—upbeat, but aware of the quirky, and always alert to another shoe about to drop; the upbeat is key though, because she doesn't let shoes dropping break her stride. Anyway I wouldn't have had half as much fun doing this video without MacLeod's music and I recommend you check out his site and support this creative person.

3. The page spreads are numbered for your reference in the contest below.

4. The character puts a large red dot on each spread and writes the date around that dot (you'll see that all more closely on the photos I post at the end of May, but you can see this on the video if you look in the bottom left or right of the pages.

5. I'll have more to say about the character, but for now the video opens with a couple important details about her.

The Contest:

As I mentioned in an earlier post this year, the contest is going to be a "where's Waldo" sort of thing. On one page spread in this journal you'll find a ROBOT STICKER. He's a retro-toy robot. He's less than 2 inches tall.

Watch the video, note down the page spread number that you find in the top left corner of the frame for 4 seconds as each spread comes up on the screen. Also note down something else you see on the spread—are there words large enough to read, or there sketches of a dog or a person? That sort of thing.

DON'T TRY TO ENTER THE CONTEST BY WRITING IN THE COMMENTS SECTION OF THIS POST—that's grounds for immediate disqualification. Don't spoil it for others.

Send me an email at

The Subject Line MUST READ: IFJM 2013 Contest.

In the body of the email write the spread number on which you found the robot and the other details of identification you noticed.

You have 48 hours to enter.

All entries must be received by SUNDAY, MAY 12, at 8:30 p.m.

A winner will be drawn from the correct entries and receive a really cute small, pocket-sized watercolor journal from me that is just perfect for pockets, pursues, and especially for use as a 2014 Fake Journal!


  1. This is not a contest entry. But uh, did you watch the Sasquatch Psych episode perchance? Thought I recognized a couple of faces in there :)

  2. Leanne, was I dreaming? Did you ask me this also on Facebook or in an actual contest entry note?

    I thought sure I'd responded. Yes, I watched Sasquatch Psych (I watch all the episodes. You'll see the journal keeper sketched Lassiter in his knit cap. (I'm sure I wrote this to you and you wrote back about "Lassie." But if not, now I have actually done it.) Sleep deprivation is not pretty.

    Thanks for watching!

  3. You are a phenom. So lucky I know you

  4. Thank you LMNOP—I'm glad you enjoyed it. I loved your fake journal.

  5. This is perfect for my morning coffee! KUDOS:
    - Tootsie pops are really beautifully painted. Now I want one.

    - The WHY NOT, 4.18.13 page: that head painting is gorgeous. It really shows what one can do with gouache to get a fully realized image ( which is : pretty much everything you can do with acrylic/oil save glazing techniques...). The fluidity of the paint and subtle colors in the facial planes are great to see. I have some Da Vinci paint from school and I am going to give it a shot seeing this work.

  6. Ellen, I'm glad you liked the 2013 fake journal. (I always want Tootsie Pops which is why I have strick rules about where and when I can get them!)

    I'm glad you like Why Not. I thought that face turned out well. The colors worked with that background—a bit of serendipty as they weren't done at the same time.

    Gouache is even more wonderful than you imagine because if you use Schmincke or M. Graham gouache you can also get the most wonderful glazing done with it!

    So by all means play with the DaVinci paint you have, but then after you burn through it go out and buy yourself some Schmincke or M. Graham and see what gouache can really do! You'll have great fun.

  7. Terrific journal Roz! loved all the faces and layers...the music seemed like it could have been in a Harry Potter movie...very 'magical,' as is your journal...

  8. Fabulous, Roz! I loved every page and your music selection was magical. Thank you for sharing this intimidating yet inspiring view of your talents. I feel so lucky to have seen it! GREAT!

  9. Roz

    I have been an admirer for a few years now, and have spent countless Sundays enjoying your generous blog and wonderful artwork.

    I feel like in this year's FJ, you've reached out and given us a Conk! On the head.

    A Powerful - and very different gift this year.
    Thank you.
    Peace and best wishes

  10. Victoria, thank you for your very kind words about my 2013 fake journal. I'm glad that you enjoyed it! I hope you'll continue to read this blog and my regular blog Roz Wound Up and enjoy them. Thanks for your time.
