
Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 5 Entry in Roz's 2016 Fake Journal

Above: 10 x 16 inch cold press watercolor board.
Click on the image to view an enlargement.
This was one of the most fun days so far, of course—because it was birds. It was one of the most fun also for me because I was finally getting back into a bit of a routine with the watercolor. (I've been spending all my time with gouache and I found it interesting to switch my brain back to think about glazing and washes and different amounts of water and wetness.)

My character sketched these from sketches made from life for positions with photo references for color reminders. I think she has a project but she still wasn't talking. She likes to do lots of studies. Lots of studies.


  1. I don't know which came first -- the green plumage or the plummy purple background -- but the combination is just gorgeous!

  2. Thanks MHDB and Kathy. I had a lot of fun with this bird series. I did the bird first for the top two panels Kathy, and then wised up for the final image in the series and made a mental plan about what I wanted to diffuse wet in wet and then went back and forth between bird and background for that third bird. But I was only able to do that because of the first two and changing my mental process. I love working in series.

  3. Thanks Maragret, I liked this day too, because by image three I was getting back into watercolor. Also this guy is so funny and cute it's hard not to smile.
