Above: the April 20 page spread from my 2009 fake journal. I used Ziller Acrylic ink with a dip pen and Schmincke pan watercolors. Click on the image to view an enlargement.
One of the happy "accidents" of doing the bird sketching theme of my 2009 fake journal is that I ended up with some fun sketches like the gull walking towards me (bottom left-hand page) which I am intent on using in a finished painting. Just like our regular journals fake journals can provide more reference material for our artwork outside the journal. It's still about observing, seeing, noting details and gesture.
The text on this spread reads:
Verso (top to bottom):
The pages of this journal are now so bulky they are hard to hold down while sketching.
Sprinting across the cracked tarmac
Leading edge on ground and this portion up [refers to bird's foot]
They are walking away today—or so it seems
Head shape works
dip about to raise wings
09.04.20 2 p.m. Target Parking Lot
Recto (labels, then text):
Brow has slight overhang from this angle.
ack too short
tail doing something odd
Stretching a wing
head down and turning away
sense of a brow here too
8:30 p.m. Last night there was a lot of anger—again directed at me. Others wanted the chicken dead. whether they agreed with Michelle's actions or not (and Hopper did!)
Chuck played his harmonica last night in an impromptu concert with Fleck on guitar. An obvious attempt to diffuse the situation and distract everyone—but hey it worked. Chuck also got us assigned to Target today so I could draw more gulls. And it's away from everyone else. Fleck has been taking lots of photos and today was no different.
It took me a while to warm up—I'm still stunned by Michelle's action—but I got some good final sketches on watercolor paper by the end of the day. Roger was pleased.
It was only in the low 50 degrees and overcast (morning rain) but still comfortable to sketch.
Michelle had been transported out on helicopter by the time we returned.
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