Above: the April 22 page spread from my 2009 fake journal. I used Ziller Acrylic ink with a dip pen and Schmincke pan watercolors. Click on the image to view an enlargement.
Well there may not have been a lot of dogs in the alternate world the author of my fake journal was living in, but in my life there was—one small Jack Russell Terrier-Mix type dog, feathered out and looking hypothyroid-ish, but sweet and eager nonetheless. It would have been odd indeed for me to finish even a fake journal without one canine in it. By April 22 my real life was impinging in the most seamless way with the life of the author of the fake journal. I have to say that today two days out from the fake journal I am missing it mightily.
The text on the page spread reads follows.
Verso, top to bottom:
We got geese. River Flats and Hidden Falls. Fleck and I prefer H.F. as it's larger and provides more species. A tactical nightmare for Chuck.
After a day of sketching geese and helping Fleck at H.F. I have zero inclination to be shut in with the others. Chuck came out here to the vacant lot with me. How grand to spot a dog—so rare in any urban area effected by the 2005 urban die off. Ownerless dogs rounded up and euthanized. Holistics crusading with their "no safe dogs" laws. I always believed people—wherever they were would have dogs despite the Holistics. Perhaps we're living in a sorting out period. Yet here comes this little hypothyroid-looking Jack Rus. Terrier mix out of the shrubs—contained in a cloud of white feathery fluff! No contact of course, but I had to sketch him as he searched about in the failing light. It's hard some times to remember the familiar shapes. Some corps members still have dogs at home but he's lucky Michelle is no longer with us.
09. 04.22 8 p.m. 56 degrees F calm after another blustery day.
Recto top to bottom:
Topline visible but then there is feathering all over the body and beyond.
The topline.
Lots of feathering on the legs.
All this feathering around the body is bad enough but on the feet you can't see where the structure is!
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